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Virtual Energy Network

The Virtual Energy Network (VEN) is a cutting-edge distributed energy solution for solar. A smarter solution to further reduce your operating costs as well as your carbon emissions.

Who we have worked for

    What is a Virtual Energy Network?

    The VEN enables excess energy generated and/or stored from a solar system to be distributed to other sites or members of the network. The platform transforms the way in which energy is managed from the traditional site-by-site model to a model which allows control over how energy is sourced, generated, stored and who it is distributed to – such as your other owned properties, staff, suppliers or tenants.  

    Site 1: Solar generator

    Excess energy is metered through the VEN for distribution to other participating sites.

    Energy distributors

    Greenlight the project and regulate the amount of energy that can be exported/sold to effectively manage
    the grid.

    Commercial VEN sites

    Excess energy from the solar generator is sold at competitive rates to other commercial participants in the VEN.

    Residential VEN sites

    Residential homes of employees, suppliers etc can be partially powered, at competitive rates by solar power generation from site 1.

    VEN energy retailer partners

    Standard retail billing processes are coordindated by VEN energy retailer partners.

    Benefits of a virtual energy network

    More renewable energy

    Generate more energy with a larger system

    Stronger stakeholder relationships

    Sell your excess energy at a cheaper rate to your stakeholders

    Reduced carbon emissions

    The solar generator and their network will all reduce their emissions

    Greater return on investment

    Get more bang for your buck and reduce your payback period

    Maximise solar exports

    Sell at competitive rates to other participants in your network

    Futureproofs your solar investment

    Dynamic export capabilities for your site

    How does it compare?

    The VEN has far greater capabilities than similar disruptive energy solutions such as Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) and microgrids.

    Sell your own energy at your own rate 
    Maximise solar exports 
    No integrations costs 
    Doesn’t require batteries* 
    Uncapped revenue opportunities from demand response, management and frequency control 
    * The VEN doesn’t require batteries, however, it can integrate with other storage solutions. 

    The energy management unit

    The VEN uses innovative hardware and software to create an intelligent Energy Management Unit (EMU). 

    It provides energy generators with detailed behind-the-meter visibility of their energy use and trading potential with advanced control capability to act on these insights. 

    The centrally controlled energy eco-system allows users to monitor, remotely control and optimise how they use, store and trade energy. 

    Keep track of every kilowatt

    Our dashboards help you keep track of your energy usage. With different views, you can keep track of every aspect.

    Related Resources


    Virtual Energy Network


    Solar Monitoring


    Solar Capability Statement

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